bridging two ixgbe interfaces to one logical bridge with one ip
Daniel Wagner
2011-07-07 17:18:56 UTC
i would like to bridge two ixgbe interfaces to one logical bridge with one ip. is this possible?

so far I've only done that ip is bound to only one interface. this ip is active on both interfaces. ?!?! in linux you can bind the ip to a bridge interface (br0)

what I need is a solaris box with two ixgbe interfaces which are directly connected to two esx servers. both esx servers can communicate to one destination ip adderss (

thanks for you help
This message posted from opensolaris.org
James Carlson
2011-07-07 19:29:59 UTC
Post by Daniel Wagner
i would like to bridge two ixgbe interfaces to one logical bridge with one ip. is this possible?
Post by Daniel Wagner
so far I've only done that ip is bound to only one interface. this ip is active on both interfaces.
Yes; it's active on all interfaces on the bridge. Just plumb on one
interface and you're ready to go.
Post by Daniel Wagner
?!?! in linux you can bind the ip to a bridge interface (br0)
Bridging is different on Solaris. ;-}

The reasons that the bridge itself doesn't behave as an interface are
fairly deep (you can plow through the design documents if you want), but
the bottom line is that real bridges deal with "ports," and there's no
"port" for the bridge itself.

The bulk of the architecture was reviewed in PSARC 2008/055.

Post by Daniel Wagner
what I need is a solaris box with two ixgbe interfaces which are directly connected to two esx servers. both esx servers can communicate to one destination ip adderss (
I'm not sure I know exactly what that means, but if you bridge two
Ethernet interfaces together on Solaris, then the system will learn the
locations of remote MAC addresses based on observed source addresses on
those interfaces, and will direct outbound packets based on destination
MAC address. In other words, it behaves just as if you'd connected a
physical bridge externally between the two physical Ethernet interfaces.
James Carlson 42.703N 71.076W <carlsonj-dlRbGz2WjHhmlEb+***@public.gmane.org>