This is not a list for the discussion of platforms other than OpenSolaris.
The suggestions you provided are not in any way helpful in answering the
original question.
In the future, please stick to providing information related to the
topic at hand.
I will also go further and note that JumpStart is no longer used for
automated network installs of OpenSolaris - Automated Install (AI) is.
Questions about AI are best raised in other forums on
Suffice to say that AI is very different to JumpStart.
Post by Daniel Payno[NON-PC]
In my early comp.os* and bbs's days, this would've gotten a blazing fast RTFM...
Kind of miss the old days 0;)
If you're familiar with redhat's linux Kickstart autoconfiguration, you'll grasp the essence very fast and will only need to learn the new syntax and req. services needed.. both share basic funcionality: tftp, bootp/dhcp, etc..
Google it will produce tons of useful links
Post by Darren ReedPost by Praneeth RavikantiCan anybody please explain what is mean by JumpStart Installation. As far as I know Solaris installation with ZFS flar can be done only with JUmpStart installation. Is that correct? If that is correct, what is Jumpstart installation, how can we do?, Is JUmpstart installation can be done from any server or any bootable CD?
There is a lot of documentation on JumpStart installation.
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